Join The 30 + 1 Day Creativity Challenge!

A special Challenge for those who have already taken The Creativity Course!

Next Session: Dates TBA

How will this work?

You will receive daily instructions and encouragement online from me, and on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm, we will all join for a weekly, one hour ZOOM meeting to check in with each other and compare notes. 

On Day One, you will get the ground rules and instructions, then on Day Two, we dive in!

What are you committing to? 

It's simple. You are committing to giving your creative work one hour a day for thirty days in a row. 

5 Purposes of the 30 + 1 Day Creativity Challenge

1) to see what you can accomplish in 30 days by devoting consistent, daily time and attention to your creative work
2) to move toward establishing the Creativity Habit

3) to make 30 days of progress on a creative pursuit you select

4) to connect with others for accountability & encouragement

5) to challenge your current boundaries & build your creative confidence


31 hours of your life - (YES! YOU CAN DO IT!)

$49 of your hard-earned cash

Your results will be priceless!!

Let's do this thing together!